AK Advocaten not just any lawyer
AK Advocaten

AK Lawyers


#Personal injury

Do you need a personal injury lawyer? Are you the victim of a crime, do you want compensation for your loss and/or do you want to be heard during the criminal proceedings? The personal injury lawyers of AK Advocaten will be pleased to assist you to claim the compensation that you deserve.

Why engage a personal injury lawyer?

  • To save time: you can turn the matter over to us and will not have to study all the rules.
  • Tailored approach: we support you every step of the way and talk to you about what is important to you.
  • Maximum compensation: thanks to our expertise, we get you everything that you deserve.
  • A right to good fortune after an accident: we will ensure that we restore you back to your former way of life as much as possible and get you a compensation for your pain and suffering.
  • We will go to court when necessary: since we are personal injury lawyers, we can take the matter to court if there is a dispute.

Send us a message today. Every day, our personal injury lawyers and specialists assist victims of:
Physical abuse
Stalking and threats
Sexual abuse

We can also advise you on:
Submitting your application for compensation to the Violent Offences Compensation Fund (Schadefonds Geweldsmisdrijven).
What are your options if a suspect is not prosecuted?


The foundation Stichting LANGZS (national lawyer network for victims of violent crimes and sex crimes) is active especially for the victims of violent crimes and sex crimes, because of the highly sensitive nature of these cases and the need for specialist assistance. The foundation has brought together the lawyers specialized in these cases. Ine Dilven, personal injury lawyer who represents victims at Asselbergs & Klinkhamer is an affiliate of this foundation. If you are assisted by a LANGZS lawyer, you know for certain that you have found someone with specific knowledge in this area!


To make sure that the police will have sufficient information to further investigate your case, but also for the assessment of your loss, we would like to give you the following tips:

  • Report to the police
  • Take pictures of your loss (torn clothing, bruises, injuries)
  • Ask witnesses for their name & telephone number
  • Go see your general practitioner or go to the A&E

Make an appointment FREE OF CHARGE

Are you a victim of a crime?

We will be pleased to assist you. Please contact our team.

Contact us